My textbook for ICT is called "Powering Up" and it's an ebook made up of blog entries by teachers about integrating technology into the classroom. It has all kinds of videos and links in it, but best of all, it has some awesome stories from teachers trying to get the most of out technology for their classrooms.
It's available here for a free download too!
One quote that I absolutely loved that was said by one of the teachers in the book was this:
I think this is why I've been wary of bringing technology into the classroom. If it's just a matter of allowing students to have their cell phones in class, is it really improving the learning? But if you are actually using technology as a means to greater learning, now we're talking!The big revelation: It’s NOT about technology. It’s about learning. If we are “integrating technology” just to bring computers (or interactive whiteboards, or cell phones) into the classroom, we’ve got it all wrong. Just using the equipment — or the web tools it allows us to access – isn’t going to lead us or our students to truly connected learning. (p.29)
One of the teachers in the book talked about how she completely threw the old way of teaching out the window and opted to have students research everything themselves and put together a textbook for their biology course. Wow! Talk about scary! I would be terrified that it wouldn't work, that there would be a push back from parents and administration, or that students wouldn't comply, but she got results! And what I think was the most impressive thing for me was that she was from a Christian school in Moose Jaw - not a progressive technological institute in a major city. If she can do it, why can't we?
I am really interested in teaching this way. I'm hoping that once I get a job (hopefully by the time I graduate? Please?) I'll be able to plan lessons like this from the start - having students involved in their learning, not passively listening and memorizing things they'll forget by the end of the year.
I want my students to be excited about their learning.
Wow - an interesting textbook! Thanks for sharing your initial thoughts!