Thursday, 29 January 2015

Organizing Yourself Online

I like to think of myself as an organized person... for the most part. There are times when my organizing is pushed to the side and I let things pile up, but that doesn't usually last long. During my undergrad, I wasn't able to write a paper until my dorm was completely clean and organized, so that usually meant cleaning and organizing until midnight, and writing my paper until morning; not something I would even encourage students to do, but I got through it.

The online world is so huge that really, you have to be organized if you want to keep anything there. I don't know how many times I've come across a video or article, thought I should keep it or pass it on to someone, and then forgotten where I found it in the first place. Curation is a necessity when dealing with the internet, and it is something I'll need to teach my students.

The main way that I organize myself online is through Pinterest. I have everything from lesson plans to recipes, to tips on how to get stains out of the carpet. I have over one hundred recipes on my "Recipes I've Tried" board, and over one thousand on my other "Food" board that I have yet to try... and sadly I'll never have time to try them all.

Another way I stay organized online is by using Google Drive. I love storing my files online because I can access them from anywhere. It's also really easy to share them with someone, or allow them to edit your files if you want.

A final way I organize myself online is fairly recent; using an RSS reader. This is a great way for me to keep up on all my classmates' blogs and see when they've added a new one.

I hope that my students will use Google Drive in the classroom, provided it is allowed and not blocked. It's a great place to save and share documents with the teacher or other classmates, and I think students would really benefit from using it.

The main thing is staying organized, which reminds me... I need to get back to pinning new recipes.

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